Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The JOY in my journey :)

I apologize. I always think I'm uploading the pictures in the right order, and still...most the time they end up backward. So...Here are a bunch of photos from the past few weeks. From most recent (at the top) and least recent (at the bottom). I have to say as a side note too, I hope everybody heard President Uchtdorf's message at the General RS Broadcast, it was WONDERFUL! I totally needed to hear every word he spoke. We are so blessed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to have such inspired leaders! It is an exciting time to be a mormon here in Phoenix. The church is beginning a media campaign here (and in other metropolitan cities) to dispel myths about our faith. 30 second commercials on primetime television, billboards, bus side advertisements, internet advertisements, as well as reaching out to people on facebook, twitter, and youtube!) It will be a wonderful tool for us to use and get people interested in the gospel of Jesus Christ and even invite them to church!
Anyway, back to the Coombs family events, Jentry is beautiful as ever. We've so enjoyed having my parents (Chief and Sugar) here for the past 10 days. They left last night. It was great to have them here (especially for me and Jentry) since the boys (Mike & Trav) are at school so much! We are already looking forward to being able to visit them for the Holidays!
This past week Jentry has gotten really good at holding her head steady, so now, she likes her BUMBO chair.

Jentry holding her binky so she doesn't lose it :)

She's getting really good at grasping her toys. Thanks to sugar for getting these rings for her!

Jentry and daddy on her 3 month birthday! (Chief and Sugar took her out to lunch at Red Lobster this day!) and everybody there just oogled over her cuteness :)

Jentry and Chief out house hunting. She was sick of her carseat so Chief was her hero and got her out while we looked at a home.

I just think this picture shows her sweetness. Love her!

Daddy and J snoozin'. I couldn't resist taking a picture!

Family picture by our Arizona picture tree :)

We love and miss you all but we're taking some seriously great advice, and enjoying our JOURNEY :)


my favorite shirt.